I WRITE with regard to the articles concerning Angela Smith and the letter from reader David Walland in the Thurrock Gazette dated October 10. It doesn’t surprise me that Labour MP Angela Smith opposes the Conservative councillors’ opposition to the Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation’s master plan.

Angela Smith is obviously unconcerned about the views of her constituents and like the rest of the Labour Government, forgets she is supposed to be acting for the people. Angela Smith should make the most of her time as an MP, I doubt she will be voted in at the next election.

David Walland has reflected mine, and many other residents’ views concerning the proposal to sell off the Gable Hall School playing fields to a private developer in order to build 170 new homes.

The proposals are of course unworkable and ill conceived. As Mr King, head teacher of Gable Hall School has said, there will be more children using a smaller space.

I thought this Government was encouraging children to undertake more exercise.

The fact the Development Corporation did not consult Mr King nor the school Governors speaks volumes for its arrogance.

The Development Corporation is an unelected body and as such should be dissolved.

We do not need, or want, people from outside our area, dictating our future. The area does not need regeneration, it is Corringham, not Hackey. Get Lost Development Corporation and Angela Smith.

You are not wanted and I again urge residents in the area to make their views concerning the master plan, clear.

Every man, woman and child will be affected by these proposals if they are allowed to go ahead.

B. Smith,
Brampton Close, Corringham.