ONE of the borough's two Labour MPs has criticised her Tory opponents who want to call a temporary halt to Thames Gateway projects.

Angela Smith spoke out after Conservative shadow housing minister Stewart Jackson, branded the multi-billion pound regeneration scheme “a mess”.

Mr Jackson said a future Tory government would put investment on hold while a study was conducted to determine the success of the scheme so far.

However, Mrs Smith said suspending the project would be reckless and could drive private investment away from the area.

Mrs Smith, Labour MP for Basildon and East Thurrock, said all spending was heavily scrutinised.

She added: "I have criticisms of Thames Gateway as well, but the suggestion of stopping all the projects for a review is madness. We need the jobs and homes it’s going to bring.

"To even suggest we should call a halt and stop it, where does that leave the companies that want to invest in jobs now?"