SHAMED boy racers have scrambled to remove damning videos showing them racing recklessly on the roads around Lakeside Shopping Centre.

Within hours of the Thurrock Gazette posting the shocking footage to its website, users had removed several of the videos from YouTube.

The clips showed drivers speeding around roundabouts, wheelspinning and overtaking dangerously as spectators perilously perched on the roadside to watch.

In an online poll, more than 55% of Gazette readers said that any motorists caught using the roads around Lakeside as a racetrack, should be arrested and have their cars scrapped.

On the “Lakeside Cruising” Facebook page, commenting on how busy one “meet” at Lakeside had been recently without any online organisation, a user said: “Just proves the racing scene will never die! With or without Internet.”

But reacting to the Gazette's story on a car owners forum called CCUK, users have speculated as to whether this is the end of the "Lakeside GP".

One user even hinted that there have been crashes. He said: "People have been racing at Lakeside for years and years. It's never gonna change. There aren't many crashes." He then brags: "They don't have the manpower or resources to stop people doing it".

The police have said they are using unmarked police cars and cameras to combat the racers, whose loud exhausts are making Chafford Hundred resident’s lives a misery at night.