IN response to A Knight’s letter (Gazette, June 17), regarding the jailing of Jonathan Robinson for trashing Thurrock Rugby Club, you must live in a very closeted world, as nothing is black or white in life, there are always grey areas.

Although this person was drunk, he did not go on a drunken rampage.

He may be guilty of being with these two mindless vandals, but he did not cause this damage.

This person is not a lout or a hooligan, he got drunk and ended up with these two unknown vandals.

Unfortunately, no matter what sentence he was given, it would not jog his memory, as previously stated he was drunk and can not remember who he ended up with late that evening neither can he remember being in the grounds of these premises.

CCTV shows him roaming around not vandalising any property, dressed in ordinary clothes not in dark clothes with a hood up, like the other two. These are not the actions of a person going to cause damage.

Someone who does this sort of damage, must have a lot of aggression or pent up anger, as it appears the others were hell bent on causing this damage.

This person is not aggressive and does not have anger issues.

Yes, we are his family and we know him a lot better than you do, you have only read what was in the paper.

Finally, lets hope the police do get these two louts. – MARION ROBINSON, address supplied.