“WHAT on earth is the world coming to?”

It’s a question I’m often asked in the course of my work and I generally give a rather bland answer, shrugging my shoulders and looking a little bemused. Well – what do you say?

The world seems in such a mess some days as item after item on the news tells of natural disasters, famine and poverty, wars and atrocities and tales of woe from all corners of the globe.

Even in our local community of Thurrock we read in our Gazette of pressures and problems and our letters page still seems more concentrated on negative issues than positive ones.

It’s one of the reasons the editor allows me to pen this column every fortnight with my “take on all that’s good in the borough”.

Don’t forget if you do have some good news, don’t keep it to yourself – share it!

Write to the paper or e-mail me at Gof4God@aol.com. I love to be the bearer of good tidings.

As a matter a fact, I do have a pretty good idea of what on earth the world is coming to or at least I know where to look for answers.

The book of Proverbs says tune your ears to the world of Wisdom; set your heart on a life of understanding.

There is so much in life that is difficult to explain or understand and it’s easy to think that may be there’s no purpose to it all.

So when people ask me if I can explain what on earth is going on around them, I generally say: “No. But I know a Man who can. Would you like to meet Him?”

Have a great weekend! JOHN