STIFFORD Clays Infant School may soon have a nursery class.

Thurrock Council has started the formal process of consulting on classes for the school on Whitmore Avenue, which currently has children from the age of five to seven.

Funding is available for a new nursery class, and the proposal to increase the ages to three until seven has been discussed with the head teacher and governors.

Councillor Sue MacPherson, Thurrock’s Cabinet member for Children's Services, said: “The aim is to provide 26 morning and 26 afternoon places with up to five sessions available a week for each child.

“Thurrock Council is consulting parents, staff, the local community and all councillors. We want to hear from as many people as possible.”

The closing date for the consultation is Friday, 29 May and the responses are expected to be discussed at the council’s Cabinet meeting on 15 July.

Consultation papers are available at Stifford Clays Library and online at