THE Civic Hall, Blackshots will be taking a trip into the past this week.

Thurrock Council’s Tenant Participation Team is hosting an All Our Yesteryears themed Tea and Big Band Dance on Friday November 21 for those who fancy ballroom dancing or 1940s music.

There will be a ballroom dance demonstration and dance tutors to help you “trip the light fantastic” at the Tea Dance from 1.30pm to 4pm.

Later in the evening the Big Band Dance will be between 7.30pm and 11pm with a1940s theme, memorabilia and displays.

Come dressed in your 40s best if you wish.

Tickets for each event are £5, including buffet and are available from the Tenant Participation Team on 01375 413960 during office hours or from sheltered housing complexes.

Both events are for adults only.

Information on sheltered housing will be available at both events.