WHEN was the last time someone patted you on the back and said “thank you” or “you really made a difference”?

Feels good, doesn’t it? Encouragement brings out the best in people.

Mind you – over-enthusiasm can be counter-productive. Did you hear about the butcher who put up a sign “try our sausages – you’ll never get better!”

A gesture of thanks or a word of encouragement can go a long way. I’m so grateful to the kind lady from Aveley who sent me a message in appreciation of my last article. It made my day. Thank you!

If we know how good it feels to receive encouragement, why are we often so slow to give it to others? Maybe it’s how busy the world around us is, or perhaps it is just our own carelessness and neglect.

Giving others a lift takes very little effort or even time.

The Psalmist says: Kind words are like honey – sweet to the taste and good for your health. Encouraging words for an old diabetic like me – and encouraging for you too, I hope! – JOHN.