We had Thurrock Council round for tea last week. At St Margaret’s that is.

They were all there – the whole leadership team – the department heads, the portfolio holders, the leader Cllr John Kent, even the chief executive!

We asked them lots of questions. You bet we did! What’s happening with the Thames Gateway and the Shell Haven? What about all the fly-tipping and the CCTV cameras?

Why aren’t the bins being emptied on time? What about all the kids and the anti-social behaviour in the parks?

There were a lot of questions about areas of Tilbury and quite a few about Stanford and Corringham.

Most of all we wanted to know – with all the Government funding cut-backs, how are we going to continue to get our services and how will all the voluntary sector and community groups manage with less money?

You should have been there. Our council leaders spoke passionately and well and the tea was pretty good too! You were invited you know. Did you not get the invite? It was in the paper.

“Hang on a minute John,” I hear you say. “What’s all this? You’ve gone all political! Shouldn’t you leave to Jackie Doyle-Price and Stephen Metcalfe, the Government and John Kent?”

Not at all, dear friends. Not at all! Politics concerns all of us, whether we’re blue, red, yellow or green.

It’s what the word means – people. That’s you and me and the society we live in, the issues that concern us and the kind of world we’re growing up in.

If you are concerned about those things and, by golly, you should be – then it’s time to talk.

Don’t leave it all to the politicians or the people at the council.

Talk to your local councillor, phone the relevant office and turn up to the meetings our leaders organise, so your views can be heard.

Better still – get involved! Join you local forum, charity or action group.

The Man I work for helps me make a difference in all kinds of ways. I reckon He could help you too.

Come on! Let’s talk! – John.