ATHLETICS: THURROCK Harriers tackled the prestigious SEAA Road Relays at Aldershot for the first time in four years at the weekend. In the spectacular natural pine wooded arena, the best results came in the veterans 40+ race.

Don Lawless led off and finished just into the top half of the 50 team field in 22 minutes 16 seconds for the 6K lap. John Green brought the team into 18th spot with a fine run of 21 minutes 54 seconds.

Next up was Chafford-based Rob Russell who moved up one place with a consistent run 23 minutes 30 seconds. On the final lap Roy Aspinall held on to 17th spot with a typical gutsy 23 minutes 47 seconds.

The overall 17th position was most pleasing for this experienced squad. Teams from Cornwall to Norwich contest the event and Fun runners are not be seen in this exalted company. The senior teamhad to run two of that veterans team in their six man squad. Steve Prosser produced a scintilating run to finish 36th on lap one. That was as high as the team was to achieve. David Johnson ran 22.02, an in-form performance. Likewise Adam Dowman ran to form with 23.32 and John Green produced 22.34. Roy Aspinall gained aplace on lap five with 24.57. And Martyn Staines ran an isolated 22.34 on the final stage. The teams 60th spot was not an indication of their current strength but hopefully they'll be inspired to tackle this event again.

An incomplete 50+ team was reduced by injury to a team of 2 men. Jon Metcalfe was 7th on stage one in an excellent for age time of 22.06.

That time was the 14th fastest in his age group on the day. Injury plagued Chris Reed ran home in 27 minutes.