THURROCK Council has appealed for help to track down "lost" children who are privately fostered.

The authority is trying find out how many children under the age of 16, and young adults with disabilities, there are living in private foster care.A private foster carer is someone who has a child that they are not a relative or legal guardian of living with them for more than 28 days.

Cllr Sue MacPherson, Thurrock Council’s Cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: "It is not unusual for children to spend time out of the family home with friends or relatives.

For a number of reasons, these stays can go on for longer periods than originally planned.

"Thurrock Council is deeply concerned about its young people and must be notified of these situations by the child's parents, the carer, and anyone else making the arrangement. This is a legal obligation to parents, who remain responsible for their children."

She added: "Privately fostering a child is always a big responsibility, which the local authority has a duty to oversee.

"However, we recognise that private fostering arrangements are often very helpful to those families who find it difficult to promote their child/children’s welfare for one reason or another.

"I appeal to anyone living in Thurrock who is privately fostering a child and has not informed the social care department or was unaware that this was required to contact the Fostering Team for further advice, support and information."

The Social Care Department has a legal requirement to ensure privately fostered children’s welfare is being safeguarded and to check on the suitability of the adults looking after them.

If you are looking after somebody else’s child for more than 28 days, you are legally required to let the Social Care Department know.

For more information, contact the Fostering Team on 01375 652618.