THE Circle held the AGM and the committee were returned.

There is one change Rachel McLaughlin has taken the post of treasurer This month several members went to Stanford Library to see the author Will Adams and hear about his new book, thriller Exodus Quest a follow up to Alexander’s Cypher, he gave an interesting talk telling how he went back packing in Egypt to get atmosphere for his stories.

Chairman Joy Ridgewell gave a report of the progress of the group and thanked Denise Manning for all her hard work as secretary.

Tina Thompson had a story printed in ‘Candis Magazine’ Peter Pascoe has also had success with his articles.

We have had visits to the Brentwood Writer’s Circle on several occasions plus visits to the Thameside Theatre.

Also we have enjoyed interesting speakers throughout the year.

An annual meal out is enjoyed giving the group social time as the meetings are taken up with readings and workshops.

TWC meetings are held fortnightly, at Hugh Delargy Close Chadwell St Mary Grays Essex 7-30 to 9-30pm. The next meeting is on November 19.