WHAT a caring Tory council Thurrock has.

At the full council meeting they and their so called Independent councillors voted, in effect, to close the 100 year-old Chadwell School, proudly bearing the village name and in a central place.

They had not even had the decency to visit or inform the staff, parents or children of their intentions, they received the death blow from the Thurrock Gazette originally.

In 2009 the estimated 140 children affected will be distributed across muddy fields and a main highway to two schools, which according to the council’s figures, will have vacancies of six and 43 respectively so 91 children will have nowhere to go.

And when the proposed 750 homes are built here, will they be childless?

According to the ‘debate’ the schools only crime is educational failing, no mention of the fact that the Tory education Department has also failed - since it is their duty and responsibility to support, improve and bring the school out of special measures, not just shut it down and disperse the children.

They need small classes, their friends, a caring head, committed and experienced staff, an effective governing body, and above all security, continuity and encouragement from our education authority.

Chadwell School is not run down, it is structurally sound, well maintained, and in excellent condition.

The interior walls are bright and cheerful, covered with good work and the last inspector’s report which said the school’s progress was satisfactory.

With all due respect Chadwell is a so-called deprived area with problems, so therefore, perhaps our children are not all academically brilliant so they have to try and work harder to achieve targets, but they still deserve the best opportunities and education.

Closing their school and scattering them from their friends is not fair to them or their caring parents and staff.

Be humane Thurrock Council, think of the children and their parents and staff and keep Chadwell school open or else be honest and tell us what you intend to do with the school premises and playing field, and the real reason for its closure.

Mrs E. Radford,
Oxford Avenue, Chadwell St Mary.<</b>