MARGARET and Bryan Tester presented some very interesting audio visual sequences on a variety of subjects.

Photographic sequences of gardens, palaces and people were shown with the appropriate, relaxing background music. Pat Spencer, on behalf of members, thanked Margaret and Bryan for an absolutely wonderful and very different evening’s entertainment.

Bryan offered to give advice for any member interested in making their own sequences.

The competition of a member’s own landscape Photograph was won by Doris Krimmel with Chris Wilson second, Audrey Blaker and Trudi English both third, and Cathy Hawkway and Pam Lawrence both fourth.

The next meeting will be at Corringham Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday, November 12 when Brian Billins will be speaking about Jack the Ripper. Competition is a Fancy Tin.

Sheila Drake will be making her final collection of items for the Mission to Seafarers. Visitors are most welcome to join us for the evening.