I AM writing to you about the fact that in Grays we do not have a bus transport system that enables us to travel after 9pm.

I do not drive and I wanted to attend a course in the evening at the local adult community college but I have to give it up because it is impossible to go home safely unless you do not take a taxi.

Travelling by taxi is not only very expensive but some of them are very very unreliable. One night I was left alone at the college waiting for the taxi. It was not only very embarassing being there on my own but it was very scary too.

I do not understand why in Grays we cannot benefit of a bus transport system like people have in London. Thurrock Council should think of the people who do not drive like me and I am not the only one.

It is ridiculous that in 2008 we still have to walk home after 10pm or pay greedy cowboys to take us home, when we already pay our taxes.

Grays is already empty and desolate after 6pm but it is even more after 9.30 pm and it is unfair that people who want to have a life after this time are forced either to pay a taxi or to stay at home!

We are not far from London but we are treated as if we live in the no man's land.

Ms Paula Brown,
Rectory Road, Grays.