I WAS recently discharged from the Kingswood wing of Basildon Hospital and immediately spotted a letter in the Gazette extolling the virtues of the NHS. How refreshing, I thought. I wish to endorse those views.

Had I been David Attenborough or Michael Palin I could not possibly have received better care.

As well as the doctors, nurses and specialists.

I would like to extend praise to the orderlies, caterers and porters. Even the guy in the basement in charge of the dumpsters proved to be a model of polite bonhomie - don't ask!

What a brilliant, brilliant group of people working together to achieve the desired results.

However much these people are paid - it's not enough!

Anyone who is awaiting admission with any trepidation - dispel such reservations at once.

You will be treated within an inch of pamperdom if there is such a word. Well done and thank you all.

Bill Hughes.