I FELT compelled to write this after my experiences with Thurrock Council regarding recycling.

I take the time, effort and vigilance to recycle and place items in my blue boxes, as I want to do my bit for the environment.

Over Christmas I had more recycling items, wrapping paper etc, which I placed in black bags and placed in my boxes.

On the December 31 (collection date) my boxes were left untouched and not collected, I phoned the council and was informed to leave the box out on January 2. I was told my call would be returned, but it wasn't.

On January 3 two workers with a truck turned up and they were emptying my recycling bags and boxes in my wheelie bin.

I questioned why they were mixing my recycling with my rubbish, to be told residents of Thurrock had been placing food in with recycling so its all going to the tip.

I explained I am vigilant when sorting my recycling and how alarmed I was. I then yet again phoned the council, and was told it could have been because I put black bags on top of recycling boxes.

So I then asked for more recycling boxes to be told residents are limited to two!

I am shocked that the government and Thurrock Council urge residents to recycle and even have a website dedicated to recycling, then the Council chuck it in with the rubbish and limit how much we can recycle.

My first response is why bother recycling?

My second response is there must be a solution to this problem and for Thurrock Council to address this issue and stop talking rubbish!

Suzanne Donovan, Adams Road, Stanford-le-Hope.