AT January's meeting, Amy Felus from the Mardyke Trust showed slides and told members about the Mardyke Way and some of the many activities that are put on during the year. Members will be walking from the Harrow to Davy Down once the weather improves.

Members were thanked for sending so many parcels and encouraging messages to the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and the group was pleased to note that the Post Office has agreed to continue paying for their delivery.

New treasurer, Margaret, was kept busy collecting this year's subscription of £27.

Members are looking forward to a bowling evening and a trip to see behind the scenes at the Albert Hall.

During social time, everyone was asked to write their name and address using the "wrong" hand.

Some struggled, some made a good effort and some wrote better than with their "normal" hand! Points were awarded for the best examples.

Next month, Brian Creasey will show slides and speak about Easton Lodge Garden in Dunmow.

Next year's programme is available from the village shop and members have planned the usual mixture of fun, education and physical activity, so do feel free to join them on the second Wednesday of the month, from 7.30 to 10pm.