GRAYS Fat Surfer doesn't only do alternative rock nights, you know - there's something to cater for the more refined and reserved musicians and clientele...

The occasional acoustic nights at the venue in London Road, Grays, provide welcome respite from the racket on a Friday, and also reach out to those who have sadly outgrown the demographic catered for such as myself, (despite the youthful appearance), much as it can be painful to be forced to accept it.

The man behind the acoustic events, Lee Yates, has plans to step it up a level in 2008, building on the swell of support for the nights so far and hopefully making it a regular fortnightly event. It provides a sound forum for established singer-songwriters and those just starting out, in a great venue with a professional set-up and an attentive and receptive audience.

You can check footage of a recent performance by local scenester and man about town James Quinn at for a taste of what goes on.

If you're interested in playing, please contact the main man Yates on 07727264613 or via for details on how to get involved - and if you're simply interested in going along to observe, applaud, offer encouragement, heckle and the like, bookmark for upfront listings and diary dates.