A BUSINESS is worried it will lose customers after parking restrictions came into force.

The North Essex Parking Partnership has enforced a number of parking restrictions at the Hythe in Colchester, including in King Edward Quay.

The changes include double yellow lines on one side of the river and residents only parking on the other.

Global Motorcycle Training operates along the quay as a training centre and motorcycle shop.

Shop owner Ellen Hicks said the company has been told it cannot have parking permits for staff or motorcycle students and she is worried the restrictions will turn business away. She said: “The parking partnership has understandably taken steps to get the problem under control by introducing parking controls in the form of parking bays and yellow lines.

“As a concept it seems fine, but as a business we were told parking permits for the parking bays either side of my shop will only be available to the residents in the houseboats and we will not be offered any.”

The business does have a small car park which it shares with two other companies. However, there are 15 training motorbikes and two staff cars which take up the space.

“I don’t know what we are going to do, the restrictions came into effect on Thursday. “We have managed to put some of the bikes away.Our only option is to park on the other side of the road where there are parking restrictions,” she said.

“For example, the vehicle must be removed between the hours of 10am and 11am, this means a member of staff would have to move our students’ cars which they are not insured to do.

“We were only contacted once by letter quite a while ago which was ambiguous as to what was going to happen.

“It did state we would have to pay in the region of £420 for a parking permit, but the council is now saying I cannot have a permit.”

She is worried it is going to have an effect on business.

She added: “My customers are likely to drive past rather than risk parking tickets and I feel the parking restrictions will have a detrimental effect on my business.”

Residents of the handful of houseboats which moor at the quay will get two parking permits.

A spokesman for NEPP said: “The restrictions on King Edward Quay are intended to prevent long-term commuter parking while still allowing motorists to park close to their destination.

“When the restrictions were first advertised, it was explained which businesses would qualify for the permit scheme.

“Alternating restrictions on either side of the carriageway will still allow motorists to park all day on the quay, and avoid parking in contravention, simply by moving their vehicle once to the other side of the road between the morning and afternoon restricted time periods.

“Where this might be inconvenient for some businesses, they can apply to pay for an annual parking permit.”