East facing slip roads on the A13, widening the A13 and enhancements to cycle routes are among the ambitious schemes set out in two financial reports approved by Thurrock Council.

The quarter-billion pound Capital Programme sets out priorities for investment while the Capital Strategy 2019/20 outlines how these schemes will be funded.

Both were approved at Tuesday's Cabinet meeting.

The Capital Strategy for 2019/20 gives a high-level overview of how capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activity contribute to the provision of local public services.

Thurrock Council has the lowest council tax rate in Essex, and being one of the lowest of all unitary authorities throughout the country, it still maintains a balanced budget for 2019/20, years into the next decade, despite no planned tax increase.

Front-line services, such as the Environment Department are being given space for significant growth.

Cllr Shane Hebb, portfolio holder for finance, said: "Thanks to our long-term economic plan, we are in a position to propose freezing council tax for the 2019/20 financial year while being able to put forward an ambitious capital programme as well as enhance and improve the services we offer our residents.

“This report outlines how we achieve this, and confirms how risk is managed to ensure our self-sufficiency objectives are sustained.”