TO the moron who smashed my car window, in the car park of the Emmanuel Church, Sleepers Farm Road on Wednesday, September 19.

Just what pleasure did you get out of smashing my window? Did you not see children's car seats in the back - which were covered in glass?

I am 76-years-old and now have the hassle of paying extra insurance, getting the window fixed, going to the police (which I will do), and cleaning the glass out of the car.

In the week I have little children in my car and at weekends I have very elderly ladies who I take out on day trips, ladies just like your Granny maybe.

I shall now be afraid that I have not removed all of the glass off the seats, floor or everywhere in my car in case someone gets hurt.

This is all because a small minded, pea brain little yob like you decided to have some fun.

It will come back to you, one day when, if you grow up you may have a car. I hope someone decides to have some fun and smashes it up.

A very angry lady driver,
