BEAVERS and Guides found out about local government by meeting Thurrock mayor Diane Revell in the Council Chamber in Grays.

Beavers from the 1st Ockendon Scout and Guide Group met the Mayor as part of a challenge to meet new people and gain their Friendship Challenge badge.

Councillor Revell showed the Beavers, aged between six and eight, around the Council Chambers before undergoing a series of questions on the Mayoralty and Council.

Mrs Revell said: "The beavers were extremely enthusiastic. They wanted to know all about the Mayoralty including the chain and mace. They also asked lots of questions about the Council and were interested in how we make decisions."

Maureen Oatham, one of the leaders who organised the visit, said: "The children were very observant and asked about things you wouldn't normally notice like where the press sit. They thoroughly enjoyed their visit and learned a lot.

"They also enjoyed acting like the Councillors, using the microphones and speaking one at a time, it was a fun experience for them."