THE September meeting was our Annual General Meeting, where members enjoyed a fish or chicken and chip supper.

The chairperson and committee was re-elected to stand for another year. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 4 at 7.30, at The Long Lane Leisure Centre, Long Lane, Grays.

We have been extremely lucky to engage Erica Thompson to give a talk and demonstration on knitting wire jewellery, Erica has given talks and demos nationwide.

Visit her website on for more details of what can be achieved. Members are encouraged to bring in an item they have knitted, by hand or machine, during the month before the meeting, to show and share.

This way we can be sure to keep up our level of output and also encourage the newer members to keep working at their machine or needles. Spares for the machines and cones of yarn are available at all club nights, as is friendly advise and smiley faces.

We are always looking to recruit fellow knitters to swell our numbers, so dont be afraid, we don't bite (people anyway!).

Come and see what knitters get up to on a single bed, or a double bed if we're feeling adventurous.