ON Wednesday, September 29, the Thurrock branch of the U3A held its monthly meeting at the Civic Hall, Grays.

Chairman Maggie Whitbread urged more members to volunteer to run groups, reminding them that the essence of U3A is the sharing of life experiences and skills.

She informed the room the quiz night raised £179. which has been forwarded to St Luke’s Hospice.

She went on to remind members that nominees were needed ahead of the AGM in January. She also reminded members annual subscriptions were now overdue.

A collection for the MacMillan Nursing Trust raised £265. There are still a few places available for Nutcracker on Ice and The Military Tattoo.

The speaker, Linda Stratmann, talked on the subject of Essex Murders as she is the author of two books on the subject.

The next meeting will be held on October 30.