IN reply to Mr Beech’s letter regarding my attempting to return Corringham police station to use, I thank him sincerely for his support.

Having grown up in Stanford and Corringham, I know the station is an important part of the community.

Alas, local Labour councillors have ruled Thurrock Council for three years and have done nothing on the issue. How many plans have they announced for the station? None.

The fact is they are happy to be as negative as possible on their election leaflets, but do nothing when they win.

I’m trying to bring positive politics and vision from the opposition benches and that means getting the best team in the East of England at reducing youth offending in that station, so the public can have a open front desk to use and so the police can have a fully operational base to use.

I hope we can make this work – the community wants results, not rhetoric about Government savings.

That’s what I’m fighting for, it’s a shame Corringham Labour councillors have not used their influence in the three years they have been in power. Maybe they are too busy writing their next election leaflets.

CLLR JAMES HALDEN Conservative member for Homesteads.