PRESIDENT Gill Morris introduced our speaker Mick Brown, who gave a really interesting talk on evacuees.

The first indication of sending people away started in 1938 at the time of the Munich Crisis, not as most people thought as the war started in 1939.

It was anticipated that when war came the most vunerable of the population should be already out of danger.

Many schools in London began to evacuate the children and some women who had small children were allowed to go, only to find nothing had been arranged when they arrived.

This then led, in 1939, to the WVS planning placement of them in country areas.

A thank you letter from Kath Lock was read out for the flowers sent to her on her 90th birthday.

Photos are required for the Spring Group meeting.

The competition, a wartime recipe, was won by Gill Morris.

The next meeting will be on April 3 at 7pm at West Tilbury Village Hall, when the speaker is Eric Barlow with a talk on India.