A schoolboy from Colchester has been touring China after his breakout role in a West End production. 

Zachary Richardson, nine, is living the dream many artists have... all while he is still at school.  

Last year he was cast as Tiny Tim in an adaption of Charles Dickens’ famous A Christmas Carol at London’s Middle Temple Hall. 

According to his mother Jennifer, he has caught the performing bug and has been touring China for the past two months as part of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s sequel of Phantom of the Opera ‘Love Never Dies’. 

Gazette: Musical - Zachary, loves being on stageMusical - Zachary, loves being on stage (Image: Jennifer Richardson)

His mum said: “It was scary but also very exciting because of what the show is and how big it is.

"I mean having such a big role in a piece by Webber, He is probably the best-known musical composer in the UK.

“But equally, staying away from home for the first time has been a new experience for us. He’s never even been on a school night away and now he went to the other side of the world, which is huge.” 

Having a career and background in musical theatre herself, it was never a question for Jennifer to support her son. 

“I think if it was a sports-related thing, like the Olympics, no one would second-guess the decision. And this is like the Olympics and that he has achieved this at the age of nine is incredible,” she said. 

The talented youngster has his parents in awe of his work ethic and the passion he shows for performing on stage. 

Gazette: Star - Zachary Richardson, 9, is part of a three month tour of the musical 'Love Never Dies' through ChinaStar - Zachary Richardson, 9, is part of a three month tour of the musical 'Love Never Dies' through China (Image: Jennifer Richardson)

While he is abroad, he continues studying with tutors and enjoys days out with other members of the cast and his chaperones. 

Jennifer said: “His chaperones are second to none. They have taken the boys to see the Terracotta warriors, temples and the Great Wall is yet to come.” 

After his return to the UK, Zachary will dive back into where he left off, catching up with rehearsals at TDH Academy and the Phoenix Boys Association in London as a new dance show is already scheduled for June.