AS cabinet member for education and health, I use social media as a communication tool.

The truth is, I’m not overly fond of it! Constant output and the reducing down of public debate to a few digital soundbites has allowed cynicism to travel at a greater pace than positive news or the truth.

It’s because positive truth is often complex and nuanced and thus doesn’t transmit well on social media.

It’s vital we make a concerted effort to praise good news. Last week I visited schools for GCSE day.

While we talk about dry numbers, like the £70m being invested in new/expanded schools, it does not convey the hu-man story.

Each school place is a life opportunity for that student. So I emailed an old teacher and said “thanks” for what they did for me.

I also visited Basildon Hospital. While we talked about business, such as the new medical centres we are creating, I also took a moment to thank NHS staff, such as folks who have recently been look-ing after a family member.

Yes, there are real challenges but we need a constructive and gen-erous debate.

So, let’s put online trolls back under their bridge and be positive in our endeavors.

I am proud of the circa £150million being invested in new educa-tion and health estate in Thurrock, and we should never miss a chance to be optimistic about the future we are building together