THE public dispute between councillors Gerard Rice and Russell Cherry about the possible permanent closure of Heath Road, Chadwell, near the A1013 to facilitate the latest projection of the Lower Thames Crossing does not help either the residents of Thurrock or our neighbours.

There are a number of roads along the route chosen by Highways England that will be obliterated if the levels they are presently proposing are not altered.

We are not going to get the route changed now so all our councillors need to unite to try to get ameliorating amendments to reduce the effects of this project.

Putting the route even lower down than presently shown by HE would remove the need to close any existing roads as well as helping to narrow the zone affected by pollution by noise, light and fumes.

The additional excavation spoil generated can then be used to build bunds beside the route to be planted with trees and shrubs which will direct the inevitable pollutants upwards and prevent potential flooding.

Additional advantages of narrowing the polluted zone would be to reduce the area affected by both planning blight and the contamination of agricultural products.

Borough councillors, despite usually belonging to party groups, actually spend most of their time and effort dealing with issues which affect residents irrespective of their voting allegiances.

If there are candidates in the upcoming elections who are in favour of increased pollution and its medical consequences could they clearly state this in their manifestos so the electorate can chose this option.

I suspect most voters would not choose this.

Otherwise our councillors need to stick together to protect us.

Mike Cobb

