THURROCK Council has been awarded a grant of £459,600 to renovate homes to make them specialised for those with special needs.

The council will improve eight properties in Aveley to make them suitable for young people with learning difficulties moving from specialist schools or residential care.

The four ground floor properties will be adapted for those who use a wheelchair or have impaired mobility, and the site will also be landscaped with new paths to make the homes more accessible.

Assistive technologies which enhance learning, working, and daily living for people with disabilities will also be available.

The grant comes from the Department of Health, through the Housing and Technology for People with Learning Disabilities Capital Fund.

Sue Little, councillor responsible for children’s and adult social care, said: “We are thrilled that this grant will help a number of young people with disabilities to live independently, and near their family and friends in the borough.

“It’s great that more support can be offered for people with disabilities in our community. Care must be focused on the individual so that they get the best possible outcome and this will certainly help in that effort.

“Our priority is to support people to live independently for as long as possible.”