HATS off to eight-year-old Connie McTaggart, from St Joseph’s Primary School, for keeping her wits about her and saving a toddler from drowning while on holiday in Majorca.

This act of bravery only took place because Connie noticed.

How often do we fail to see something that is right under our eyes?

Potential acts of heroism and amazing encounters are all around us it we have the eyes to see the opportunity. The neighbour in need, the lonely pensioner, the struggling lone parent, the bullied teenager.

My friend Jesus once told his mates to “lift up their eyes round about and see”.

He’d just had a highly significant conversation with a despised woman at the local watering hole simply because he’d noticed someone others overlooked.

Jesus’ encounter was significant because ultimately his taking the time to bother touched a whole community.

Connie has touched our community with her care and thoughtfulness. Now, there’s a challenge for all of us!