CHAIRMAN Joy Ridgewell welcomed Chadwell Forum chairman Peter Saunders and his wife Carol who presented the group with a cheque for a grant of £400.

This is a very welcome addition to our funds as we are off to a writing weekend at Ruskin College in Oxford and this will greatly help with our expenses.

Thanks were given to Tina Thompson, who has been instrumental in arranging for this weekend.

Members read out a variety of their stories and Steve Grimshaw, with the assistance of Danielle Chinnon, read an amusing play that Steve has written.

Steve was thanked for taking over and producing our Writers Newsletter.

Danielle also brought leaflets for the part-time adult learning courses for 2013-2014 for any members who would like to further their knowledge.

The next meeting was due to take place on October 3 and was the AGM and 18th anniversary of the group.