IT HAS been full on for Thurrock Writers Circle this month.

Member Andy Swestom demonstrated by bringing his book-binding machine to show the work that goes into producing a book.

Members were split into teams and each given the light-hearted challenge of making a book cover and attaching it to the manuscript.

Despite our best efforts everyone soon realised Andy was the master in this skill, but still enjoyed the fun of having a go.

Rachel Galleyhawk also came to speak to the group to give us some ideas in how we can help with a Thurrock Writers’ Festival, to be held in 2013.

When this can be arranged it will be a chance to let the talent of authors shine in the area and to let any would-be writer come and see what our group and others do and to have a go at showing their writing skills.

The Christmas in-house competition entries were collected.

A prospectus was given out to members to go to Ruskin College, in Oxford, next year for a creative writing course.

Our group have enjoyed several years going to Belstead House, in Ipswich, but unfortunately this is being closed down.

Thanks to our treasurer Tina Thompson who is the co-ordinator for this project and is always tirelessly looking for a new venue. The evening ended with a workshop.